
Until I get something better written here are the argparse usage instructions:

usage: [-h] [-d]
                                [-l {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL}]
                                [-s [SLEEP]] [-q] [-v]
                                PROMPATH SERIALDEVICE [SERIALDEVICE ...]

mobile_modem_exporter version 0.1.0. Exports signal quality information
for mobile modems. See the manpage or ReadTheDocs for more info.

positional arguments:
  PROMPATH              The path to the prometheus node_exporter textfile
                        collector file to write output to.
  SERIALDEVICE          The path to a serial device to get signal quality
                        from. Can be specified multiple times.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d, --debug           Debug mode. Equal to setting --log-level=DEBUG.
                        Logging level. One of DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR,
                        CRITICAL. Defaults to INFO.
  -s [SLEEP], --sleep [SLEEP]
                        Sleep this many seconds between runs, default: 10
  -q, --quiet           Quiet mode. No output at all if no errors are
                        encountered. Equal to setting --log-level=WARNING.
  -v, --version         Show mobile_modem_exporter version and exit.

Read on for examples.